Thank you to our parents and carers who have contacted School opting for a full-time place from Monday 15th June. As previously explained, places are only currently available to priority 1: vulnerable children and priority 2: critical workers' children.
Parents/ carers can expect an email on Monday 8th June, outlining Valewood Primary's Back to School Plan for priority 1 and priority 2 children.
I kindly ask that parents and carers:
1. Read the detailed information within the Plan.
2. Share this information with your child/ children ahead of them returning to School.
3. Sign to acknowledge the changes to School (as outlined in the Plan).
4. Return the reply slip via email to before Wednesday 10th June 2020.
Thank you for your continued understanding and support as we plan to get children back to School.
I will continue to keep families updated via Whole School Dojo.
Best wishes,
Helen Tantouri