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Meet the Governors

Valewood Primary School's Governing Body

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured: including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor.

Register of Governor Interests 2022-2023: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests at the AGM on 15th September 2022. 


Valewood Primary School - Governing Body


Chair of Governors:

Mr. S. Hinde

Vice Chair:

Ms. G. Bainbridge

Co-Opted Governors:

Mr. S. Hinde


Mr. P. O’Brien


Mrs. G. Bainbridge


Local Authority Governor:

Ms. E. Walker

Parent Governors

Mr. S. Chandler


Mr. F. Lindsay


 Mrs. J. Nolan

Staff Governors

Ms. H. Tantouri (Headteacher)


Mrs. D. Parr (Deputy Headteacher)



Clerk to the Governors:

Ms. J. Mackenzie


