Dear Families,
Latest school operations, in light of the latest government advice on COVID-19
Following the latest government advice, decisions have been made which will impact on the day-to-day operation of the school, going forward, from today. These are outlined below:
1. Breakfast Club and After School Club will be closed from tomorrow. N.B. Please let us know if you are a key worker so that we can endeavour to provide a skeleton service from tomorrow. 2. Assemblies have been cancelled. 3. All after school clubs have been cancelled. Mrs Parr has sent a message about tonight's Choir, via Dojo. 4. The forthcoming swimming gala/ football matches/ Y3 & Y4 show/ Diversity concert and all off-site events (including Forest School) have been postponed. 5. Swimming lessons have ceased. 6. All visitors to the school have been asked to postpone their visits/ clubs. This includes Musical Minds, Marine in the Community and additional support for individual children has also been postponed.
In line with the government guidelines, please know that school will send anyone home (child/ staff member) who shows symptoms: new, persistent cough and a high temperature.
Please be aware that we fully support families following the guidelines re: vulnerable groups and we are actively talking to those families who have underlying, chronic, medical conditions within their household, encouraging them to follow the guidelines. The advice can be found by clicking on the links below.
Attendance is being monitored on a daily basis. Our pupil absence has doubled from yesterday, which is completely understandable, so please do not concern yourselves with your child's absence if you are following the government's advice. I kindly ask that you keep the office informed of your child's absence, as per school policy.
Best wishes,
Headteacher ****************************************************************************************** Latest information from The Department for Education (DfE): DfE Helpline: 0800 046 8687 Monday-Friday, 8am to 6pm & weekends, 10am to 4pm. Please note that there will be a high volume of calls, hence the addition of weekend hours. Updates on COVID-19: |