Dear Parents and Carers,
These are certainly challenging days we find ourselves living in. I am writing to you on Monday, this week, to give you the latest news, as expectations have already changed since my last newsletter.
Updated Expectations at Drop-Off & Pick-Up Times
Thank you to you all for following the Sefton Council guidance shared with you late on Thursday. All visitors must now wear a face covering when entering the school grounds. School staff will also be wearing a face covering when out on the playground at drop-off and pick-up times. The more the children see us wearing our face shields/ face masks, the more accustomed they will become with the changes. I know, especially for the little ones, it can be a little distressing (at first) to see their teachers with a face covering, but after the initial surprise, I know that the children will get used to this new way of working. On Friday, in my attempt to normalise this new expectation, I asked all the children (whilst wearing my new visor) if they thought I ‘was rocking the new style?!’ This made the children (and some of the staff!) smile/ laugh, I even got a sign language ‘fantastic/ thumbs-up’ from Team 4! On a serious note though, I do thank you all for your continued support and co-operation.
Play Equipment Before & After School
Signs have been put up around school to ask you all kindly not to allow your children to play on the outdoor play equipment, before and after school. This is because the play spaces are designated for named bubbles during the school playtimes and we cannot have children from other bubbles playing on there- for obvious reasons. Again, I thank you for your understanding.
Keep Your Distance
To minimise the number of adults coming on site, only one adult should be coming into school to drop-off and collect any child/ren from one family. Please adhere to your designated drop-off and pick-up times. Furthermore, we kindly ask you all not to congregate together/ to stop and chat on the playground and moreover to observe the social distancing expectations set out in our Back to School Plan. Once you have handed over your child/ren and collected them, please make your way out of school, following the one-way system, keeping your distance from families in front of you.
Updates on After School Club Provision
Unfortunately, there will be no After School Club provision for at least the remainder of Autumn 1. Please know that, unfortunately, we have failed to recruit appropriate staff (due to a lack of applications) to ensure we can resume this important provision any sooner. We are advertising the position of After School Manager and playworkers again and, in the interim, the governors have agreed that we seek out tenders from privately run organisations in the hope that we may have some provision sooner than we can safely recruit staff for our own provision. It has not been for a want of trying, believe me. I know that, for some of you, this will not be welcome news and I apologise for the inconvenience this is causing some families. As soon as I have more information, I will let you all know. Breakfast Club continues to run, with bookings made in advance. N.B. From w/b 5th October, if you have booked a place and your child does not attend, you will still be charged.
COVID-19 Testing: N.B. If someone in your household has had a test, all members of the household must isolate until the test result returns.
As we have moved further into Autumn 1, we have had a few children tested for COVID-19. Thankfully, all tests have come back negative, so far. Please email Mrs Kearney at following a test being administered, sharing the test result via this email address too. Thank you.
I have been advised, this morning, by Public Health England, to share with you the following information: From Tuesday 22 September, new local measures are being introduced across Merseyside to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This means that from (tomorrow) Tuesday 22nd September 2020:
1.Residents must not socialise with other people outside of their own households or support bubble in private homes/ gardens. 2.Hospitality for food and drink will be restricted to table service only. 3.Late night operating hours will be restricted, with Leisure and entertainment venues including restaurants, pubs, and cinemas, required to close between 10pm to 5am. 4.Residents are also advised only to use public transport for essential purposes, such as travelling to school or work and to avoid attending amateur and semi-professional sporting events as spectators.
It is important that people follow the latest government guidance...
Cheshire and Merseyside’s Directors of Public Health are encouraging all residents to play their part by:
• washing your hands;
• avoiding crowds;
• keeping your distance;
• using face coverings;
• staying at home and getting tested if you have symptoms.
There are walk-through test sites in Bootle Town Hall and Southport Town Hall and mobile coronavirus testing units are at locations across the Borough most days.
If you have the COVID-19 symptoms of:
• a high temperature;
• a persistent cough;
• loss of taste or smell you should get a test.
To make an appointment: or call 119.
If you don't have symptoms, you don't need a test.
Cheshire and Merseyside Test and Trace
Over the last few weeks we have seen an unprecedented demand for testing. NHS Test and Trace figures show that between mid-June and the end of August the number of people getting tested for the first time rose by 63% - and this trend continues. The Testing Programme in Cheshire and Merseyside is experiencing continued exceptionally high demand. As such, at this time of high demand it is crucial that:
• People only get tested if they develop one or more of the main coronavirus symptoms:
a high temperature;
a new, continuous cough;
or the loss or change of their sense of taste or smell;
or they are recommended to get tested by a healthcare provider (e.g. GP or nurse).
• Pupils and students who feel unwell with other symptoms for example with a sore throat, stomach upset or a headache, do not need to book a test. They may need to stay off school or college and seek medical advice through their GP or pharmacist as they would usually do.
• There is no need for household members of those who are symptomatic to have a test, unless they are also symptomatic.
• Parents and carers should not take children to A&E departments for a test. Most hospitals will only test people who they admit to hospital.
Thank You & Let’s Keep Up the Great Work!
I know there is a lot of information to take in and that guidance is ever-changing, given our ever-evolving, local situation. I will endeavour to share with you the headlines, as and when it is appropriate to do so. Links to our Sefton, local context can be found here:
With very best wishes,
Helen Tantouri,